Performance Calendar

All scheduled upcoming performances and events are displayed below. This calendar is the most reliable source of performance and event information such as dates, times, locations and people involved. To read about past performances and events follow this link to our Recent Events page.

Calendar items which feature the free event ticket symbol () are open to the general public and are free to attend. We look forward to families and friends supporting our talented students as they take to the stage to showcase their passion and hard work which makes our music program truly special.

Today is which is in of the South Australian state schools' calendar.

Upcoming Performances and Events

Thursday 13 February 2025

3:30 pm – 6:30 pm
SACE Merit Ceremony

Friday 25 April 2025

5:00 am – 7:00 am
ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Week 2, Term 1 holidays
Free event – no ticket required

Ensembles involved:
Brass Ensemble and Jazz Choirs 1 and 2

Friday 2 May 2025 8:00 amSunday 4 May 2025 7:00 pm

Generations in Jazz

Week 1, Term 2

Ensembles involved:
Big Band 1, Big Band 2, Jazz Choir 1, Jazz Choir 2

Friday 23 May 2025

9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Killarney Heights High School (NSW) visit

Wednesday 11 June 2025Thursday 12 June 2025

Choral Eisteddfod

Week 7, Term 2
Details and pricing available at

Ensembles involved:
All Choirs

Wednesday 11 June 2025Friday 13 June 2025

Timothy Wayne-Wright - Artist in Residence

Week 7, Term 2
Ensembles involved:
