Circle of Fifths

The circle of fifths (below) is a diagram used by musicians to organise musical keys. Imagine a clock face, but instead of numbers, it has musical notes. Starting at C, if you move clockwise and count up 5 notes (a "fifth"). That takes you to G; the major key with one sharp. Keep counting fifths around the circle: G to D (two sharps), D to A (three sharps), and so on. Moving anticlockwise you'll move down a fifth and to the 'flat keys', adding a flat each time - F (one flat), B♭ (two flats), etc. You'll see the notes repeat, but with the addition or subtraction of sharps and flats. The legend at the top shows you the order in which you add flats and sharps.

Memorising the order of flats/sharps

Using a mnemonic is an effective way to memorise the order of flats and sharps. Below is a list of mnemonics. Chose one that resonates with you or make up your own and share it with your mates.

A Christmas Story

  • Sharps: Father Christmas Gave Dad An Electric Blanket
  • Flats: Blanket Exploded And Dad Got Cold Feet

A Battle Story

  • Sharps: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
  • Flats: Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father

A Magical Journey

  • Sharps: Fairy Cinderella Got Dressed And Entered Ballroom
  • Flats: Ballroom Explosion Alarmed Dancers Got Caught Fleeing

A Spooky Night

  • Sharps: Frightening Creatures Got Dark And Evil Beyond
  • Flats: Bloodcurdling Excitement As Demons Grinned Creepily Finally

How is it used?

Key Signatures
The circle shows you how many sharps or flats a key has. For example, G major has one sharp (F♯), D major has two sharps (F♯ and C♯), and so on.

Related Keys
It helps you find keys that are closely related to each other, i.e., keys that have a majority of similar notes. For instance, if you're playing or composing in the key of C major, the closely related keys are G major and F major.

Interactive Circle of Fifths

The circle of fifths below is a printable interactive diagram for teachers and students. Dropdown boxes change what is shown on the diagram. Adjust the settings to create worksheets or a diagram focusing on a particular clef. You can rotate any key to the top and toggle the visibility of all components. When you're done you can print it or save it as a PDF via your web browser.

F major B♭ major E♭ major A♭ major D♭ major C♯ major G♭ major F♯ major B major C♭ major E major A major D major G major C major D minor G minor C minor F minor B♭ minor A♯ minor E♭ minor D♯ minor G♯ minor A♭ minor C♯ minor F♯ minor B minor E minor A minor CircleofFifths F C G D A E B B E A D G C F